
Shifo Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Sweden 🇸🇪

Our Vision

We exist because of our vision which is a day when no child dies or suffers from preventable diseases.

We believe we can achieve our vision by working together with key actors to identify and close the gaps based on reliable and relevant information. Therefore, getting information and strengthening the culture of data use where actual gaps from community to national level can be closed is what we deeply care about.

We had to change ourselves before we could aim to change the world

The very first solution we developed was a point of care eHealth solution where health workers used a mobile device (e.g. laptops or mobile phones) to collect data at the point-of-care delivery. We quickly found that in some regions it worsened the very issues we had set out to improve. Because so many of the areas where we work have unstable electricity, internet connectivity, security, and scarce resources, mobile devices could not be relied upon and sustained.

This meant that health workers had to do double work- collecting data on existing health management information system (HMIS) forms and entering the same information into the mobile devices.

After seeing these issues first-hand, we went back to the drawing board and developed a Smart Paper Technology Solution. This new use of technology blends the paper and digital systems and enables countries to have all the benefits of point of care eHealth Solutions. Learn more about Shifo Solution here.

Shifo believes that by implementing Smart Paper Technology Solution and change management processes, it is possible to improve quality of care and health outcomes in primary healthcare via ensuring that the solution can:

be operational in 100% of service delivery points, bypassing infrastructure limitations
be sustained 100% by governments without external donor support
reduce administration time of health workers by more than 60%
generate electronic health records of beneficiaries and achieve above 99% patient level data quality
eliminate the need to physically travel to health centres for verification of data quality and data use
automatically digitise medicine and supply stock books and accurately forecast all medicines and supply needs of service delivery points
improve data use culture where above 95% of service delivery points drive continuous quality of care and performance improvements based on quality data
enable governments and key actors to direct resources to reach targets of quality of care indicators
Progress to date
Real-time indicators provided by Smart Paper Technology Solution
Real-time indicators

Provided by Smart Paper Technology Solution

Children Registered*


Children Fully Vaccinated


Children Followed-up with SMS


Why countries choose Shifo

Smart Paper Technology is contextually-sensitive, effective and sustainable in the absence of donor funding. We take a long-term approach to developing and implementing scalable solutions that bring value to local communities.

We work to strengthen health systems in low and middle income countries by addressing three main issues: the health workforce shortage; the absence of accurate and complete data and weak data use culture, and lack of sustainable electronic health information systems.

Smart Paper Technology generates patient level data with 99% quality and is interoperable with national system e.g. DHIS2, eLMIS, CRVS systems

Countries can sustain the costs of the solution because it fits within their existing budgets

Solution is scalable in all health centres regardless of infrastructural limitations

What our partners say

The Gambia

Our partners

Coat of arms of Uganda Ministry of Health of Uganda and Local Governments
Coat of arms of Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan and Provincial Health Offices
Coat of arms of The Gambia Ministry of Health & Social Welfare of The Gambia and Regional Health Offices
Coat of arms of The Gambia Ministry of Health of Kenya and County Health Offices
Coat of arms of Haiti Ministry of Public Health and Population Haiti
More about Shifo Solution