Our board

Ambassador Bo Göransson,

" I was immediately interested in supporting the development of Shifo because of the commitment to long-term sustainable development of health service delivery in underserved areas. By supplying models, appropriate tools and capacity building they help set in motion a virtuous circle of development owned by local partners. "

Bo Göranssons previous responsibilities include Ambassador at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director General and Chairman of Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Special Advisor to the President of African Development Bank and State Secretary, Ministry of Labour. He has been the permanent representative at United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN Habitat, and also a member of the Governing Council of UNHCR. He has an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics.

Ylva Hambraeus Björling,
Vice Chairman

" Shifo's pragmatic way to introduce an e-health infrastructure and the use of IT, to provide a modern support to achieve better health in countries where the need is greatest, attracted me to become engaged in the Foundation. "

Ylva Hambraeus Björling is Chairman of the commercial foundation - Internet Infrastructuren (IIS /.SE). She has more than 30 years of management and infrastructure experience within healthcare & welfare, IT and telecoms, in the private as well as the public sector. Ylva is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Andreas Winqvist,
Board Member

" It's exciting and inspiring to be part of Shifo and bring changes to traditional charity systems. Every donor should know exactly where their funds went and the resulting impact. "

Andreas is a CEO at MedHelp - a private company in Northern Europe providing healthcare counselling services. Previously Andreas was CEO at Telefonakuten Sverige AB, and was engaged in Product Management and Sales Management positions.

Carl-Gunnar Höglund,
Board Member

" MyChild System represents a paradigm shift for healthcare in Uganda. It is in many ways revolutionary, and parts of the system and knowledge can be utilised to improve results and health service delivery for patients and citizens of Sweden and other countries as well. "

Carl-Gunnar is the Head of Management & Support at 1177 / VĂĄrdguiden, the Swedish national health phone and online counselling service. Previously Carl-Gunnar was the manager at the Biomedical Engineering Department, Karolinska University Hospital where he has held different positions since 1982. He has more than 20 years of management and development experience within healthcare, technology and IT.

Asli Kulane,
Board Member

" I am passionate to work with Shifo because Shifo's solutions contribute to evidence-based decision-making and more accurate measurement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "

Asli Kulane, MD, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor in International Health at the Equity & Health Policy Research Group, Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet. Throughout her professional life, she has dedicated a large part of her career in working with vaccine research from laboratory to community level. Her experience spans from identifying candidates to be included in new malaria vaccine constructs, to implementing HIV vaccine trial in low income settings and developing tailored intervention to tackle vaccine hesitancy toward existing vaccines such as Measles, Mumps and Rubella.

Other areas of research include HIV/ AIDS, Tuberculosis, migration and health, equity etc. She has worked in Africa, Asia and Europe. Asli has a MD from Somali National University with a Masters of Medical Sciences from Karolinska Institutet and a PhD in Immunology from Stockholm University.

Rustam Nabiev,
Board Member, Co-Founder

" I have understood my purpose in life. To be part of a community that enables effective healthcare to children and mothers, no matter where they live. With Shifo, we want to contribute with tools, knowledge and transparency solutions and actively engage global community to this cause. "

Rustam is a co-founder and the Director of Shifo. He is also the Head of Unit for Biotechnology in Low Resource Settings at Karolinska Institutet. Rustam has extensive experience from research, as well as development and implementation of eHealth solutions in high and low resource settings. He graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology.

Ulrika Erkenborn Rugumayo,
Board Member

" I am honoured to be part of Shifo because of the values it stands for. It is so important that every child gets a healthy start in life, to grow, develop and discover their potential. Shifo is a lean and effective operation; it is innovative, always improving on its solutions, using insights from its lessons learned, and choosing to do what is right. Most importantly, Shifo has a team of talented dedicated individuals who provide energy and direction to reach its goals. "

Ulrika is a CFO at 2050 Consulting AB working with climate, environment and sustainability. Ulrika has previously worked as a Director at PwC as an auditor for 20+ years, focusing on internal management and control and evaluations in relation to international development work. Ulrika has travelled and worked extensively in Africa and Asia. She has also held a position as regional representative for Diakonia in South Africa for five years working with democracy and human rights.

Eugene Bushayija,
Board Member

" In my work I am regularly exposed to devastating effects of medical emergencies affecting victims of armed conflicts, natural disasters and epidemics where women and children represent the majority of the victims. In cases of epidemics there is much that can be done to prevent the immense suffering and deaths. I have been highly inspired by the potential of Smart Paper Technology when implemented on a larger scale to alleviating some of the unnecessary suffering of those children and women around the world. "

Eugene Bushayija works for Médecins Sans Frontières/Läkare Utan Gränser (MSF) as a Development Advisor for Specialist Physicians and is the HR Branding Manager in the organization’s HR department. He has worked for MSF since its start in Sweden 25 years ago.

Advisory Board

Alberto Corti,

" Shifo’s determination to improve children’s health conditions is bound to have a great impact all around the world. The whole healthcare industry may benefit from this revolutionary system, which is already improving thousands of lives. Shifo’s impact is multidimensional and enhances people’s life conditions at many levels. I’m honored to contribute to this project and look forward to seeing Shifo going global. "

Expat with an interest in theoretical and practical entrepreneurship. I work between academia and business, using my time to build a well functioning ecosystem at the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship.

Andy Cars,

" By building a digital platform that can help other NGOs greatly increase their transparency, while reducing administration costs, Shifo has the potential to leverage their own experiences gained first-hand in the field to positively impact other NGOs across the globe. An important initiative well worth working for. "

Andy is the founder of Seedcap, a consultancy based in Stockholm that provides business advice and network to tech startups mainly in ICT and cleantech. Andy has a background as entrepreneur, investment manager and strategy and business development advisor. Having worked for startups and large multinational companies, he has developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges that they face.

David Ziemsky,

" It´s easy to throw out positive superlatives about Shifo's innovation MyChild System, but still, that´s the singular best thing - to deliver something that truly works, is needed to ensure and support structures we might take for granted. Knowing who´s who, and how to reach, and what to give them - total transparency. I love the simple but genius platform Shifo developed and implements. "

David works with branding, communication and film, and has a background in IT, TV, media & advertising. Having founded a number of small start ups in different areas, he works part time as advisor and as partner in a handful of established companies.

Fiona Hazell,

" It has been inspiring to follow Shifo’s journey of learning over the last few years. Meeting the passionate team and witnessing their pragmatic approach, I truly believe Shifo’s bold vision will be realised. It is an honour to support the dedicated and capable Shifo team as they work towards that day in 2030 when no child dies or suffers from preventable diseases. "

Fiona has dedicated her career to creating positive change in the world by working with corporates, accelerators and social entrepreneurs to develop profitable and scalable business models that tackle social challenges. She is Program Director of SE Forum and founder of the MAD Group – a network of experts that use their professional skills to “Make A Difference”.

Howard Rose,

" I am excited that Shifo is simultaneously sensitive and disruptive in building a new model for north-south collaboration to solve pressing global health problems. On the one hand, Shifo is taking a long-term view to develop effective programmes that meet the needs on the ground, support local infrastructure, and become a replicable model for vaccine and healthcare delivery. On the other, they are highly disruptive in creating a new model for transparency and direct connection between all the stakeholders. "

Howard is the President, Co-Founder, and Design Director of Firsthand Technology, Inc., based in Seattle, Washington, USA. Firsthand specialises in transforming complex problems into engaging and intuitive experiences through games, simulations and virtual reality. The company's resume of work over 18 years includes groundbreaking projects using virtual reality to treat phobias, battlefield PTSD, and acute and chronic pain.

Jesper Lilliesköld,
Senior Advisor

" Investing in preventive health care is investment in future generations and with implementation of Shifo’s MyChild System, social return on investment increases over time. I strongly believe in the idea of MyChild System and the team, and I am sure sustainability can be achieved and I want to support that development. "

Jesper is an entrepreneur with long experience in building growth companies within the new media and outsourcing sectors. He is also supporting and investing in young entrepreneurs through the investment company Ulf & Vänner.

Jessica Stark,

" Shifo´s vision is a day when no child dies or suffers from preventable diseases. I love this vision and want to contribute to making it come true in the future. "

Jessica is the co-founder and CEO of startup hub SUP46 (Startup People of Sweden). To help newly-founded Swedish companies and putting the words “sharing is caring” into practice is something she sees as a community service. She has more than twelve years' experience of working with startups and is extremely passionate about both the maturing Swedish startup ecosystem and the growing startup community.

Karoline Beronius,

" I believe that long-term sustainable development requires structure and transparency. Shifo has developed tools that can help leapfrog development by supporting health workers, managers and decision makers in service delivery, planning and evaluation. Shifo’s focus on structured development, sustainable implementation and long-term partnerships are key to transformative development of weak health systems. Such development can eventually allow us to reach each and every child with lifesaving preventive health services "

Karoline is a social entrepreneur with a passion for ICT's potential to leapfrog development by making better use of scarce financial, human and technical resources. She has several years' experience of working within International Development Cooperation. Previously, she worked at the Swedish Programme for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER) to support countries in Asia, Africa and Latin Ameria to harness the benefits of ICT. Karoline was part of the team that started Shifo in 2013.

Katarina Chowra,

" Shifo has a sincere passion and drive to make a difference for children. In addition they are a role model for future organisations. Shifo is built on values such as transparency, cooperation, equality and is dynamic and data driven. They are perfect fit for making a great difference to the healthcare for children. "

Katarina is an innovator, futurist and coach. Her background is within telecoms as a business developer. She has spent the last years mainly in the startup arena, as both entrepreneur and coach. She is a frequent speaker about the value of innovation and tech start-ups.

Lennart Andersson,

" Shifo makes a difference where it matters the most. Over the last few years they have managed to simplify an important challenge in an elegant way, by understanding what really works in the countries they operate in. They know how to build trust among stakeholders who sometimes have difficulties to collaborate and have created a combination of digital and physical solutions I feel is quite refreshing. I hope I can contribute by adding experiences from design thinking from both similar but also completely different areas. "

Lennart is Senior Design Director at McKinsey Design’s Veryday studio, one of the world’s top-ranking design and innovation consultancies. McKinsey Design has a strong commitment to people-driven innovation as a means to enhance quality of life. Based on deep people insights they help clients create and launch innovative physical and digital solutions, products and services. Lennart has a strong passion for design thinking and innovation, and 20+ years experience from areas like health services, mobility and smart technologies.

Shampa Bari,

" Having worked in and with tech start-ups, I understand the strength and courage it requires to take a step back from what is technically possible, in order to focus on what is socially beneficial. The team at Shifo exhibits a determination to do good, and do it well, which I find inspiring. It is an honour to assist them on this journey. "

Shampa is a founding member of an Indian healthcare start-up with 150,000 users, dedicated to reducing the global chronic disease burden. Currently at Swecare Foundation, she is devoted to identifying collaborative opportunities and forging sustainable partnerships. With an MBA from INSEAD Business School and a degree in Industrial Engineering from Columbia University, Shampa has over ten years' experience working in Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe, and South Asia. Her network spans previous employers such as the Grameen Trust, BRAC, SIDA, and the UN.

Sven Jonsson,

" I have seen Shifo's activities already from its maternal stage and how it in a short period of time established as a professional, well functional organization. Shifo's way to go step by step to provide smart tools and knowledge to the health workers and to the common people in their everyday situations, is a hallmark of sustainability. This makes processes and knowledge sustainable and continues to develop. Shifo provides a sense of coherence for those who need it most. Shifo makes health workers proud and citizens aware of preventive health factors. Shifo makes the world healthier. I am truly honoured to contribute with my skills and to help Shifo fulfil the vision. "

Sven is a senior consultant in eHealth at C.A.G Mawell AB. Through his work within medical technology, telemedicine and eHealth for over 30 years, Sven has a solid understanding and experience of how healthcare activities work in practice. His main skills are his analytical and strategic ability to both see a holistic perspective while strengthening important details for functionality, security and business sense in new healthcare solutions for healthcare. Measuring accuracy, improvement ability and quality assurance are keywords for him.

Therese von Blixen-Finecke (Engström),

" I have followed Shifo from the start and seen them prove that they are a social venture with all the core requisites for success in development; a well thought out product, a dedicated, educated and culturally sensitive team, a no-nonsense approach and the readiness to critically evaluate themselves and change when they see that change is needed. They have the ability to think outside of the box, which is crucial when working in such complex areas as child healthcare in developing countries. I am honoured to bring my skills to this team of doers and be part of their mission, creating a world with robust reproductive, maternal and child health data. "

Therese is a strategic consultant with a background in both the non-profit- and business worlds, for which she has carried out assignments in 14 countries. She is passionate about cross-sectoral thinking and the possibilities of using new technology in the intersection of business and global development to help achieve maximum social impact. Most recently she co-founded Sime Social Impact, the philanthropic branch of Sime, one of Europe’s largest media/tech and communications conferences, and re-launched The Non-Violence Project as it's Scandinavian Director. She now mainly resides in Mallorca and works from there.